Let's Get Real About Unfollowing

followunfollow instagramadvice instagramgrowthtips instagramtips instgramgrowth rockinsocialmedia unfollow Mar 20, 2024

The "Least Interacted With" section on Instagram allows users to view the accounts they have interacted with the least in the past 90 days. This feature, introduced by Instagram in 2020, aims to provide transparency about user interactions and help individuals manage their following list more effectively. By accessing this section through the "Following" tab on your profile, you can identify accounts whose posts you haven't liked or stories you haven't engaged with recently. It serves as a tool to streamline your feed by unfollowing accounts that no longer align with your interests or preferences. This feature is part of Instagram's efforts to enhance user experience by enabling users to curate their feed based on their current connections and interests, ensuring a more personalised and engaging browsing experience on the platform.


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